Course Information and Goals


      This short course is designed to provide a firm technical understanding of the principles of fluvial geomorphology used to stabilize eroding river banks, enhance salmon and trout habitat, improve flood resiliency, and restore stream stability and function. The course is developed for engineers, fisheries biologists, hydrologists, land use planners, conservation districts, and other watershed groups involved with riverine issues. The goal of the course is to provide the knowledge and experience to assist participants in choosing watershed management and restoration strategies that are most effective over the long term and most consistent with the natural tendency of the river system.

      The fee for the 2-day short course entitled Using Fluvial Geomorphology in Watershed Assessment and Stream Restoration to be held in Augusta, ME on April 26-27, 2017 is $650 but 3 discounts are also available (see registration form).  An optional 1-day field trip on April 28th for an additional $325 is also available.  The course registration fees include a short course booklet, snacks, lunch, drinks, and "hands on" course instruction.

      Half-day to 5-day customized short courses are also available.

      Call or e-mail for pricing and scheduling information:

      (207) 491-9541

Using Fluvial Geomorphology in Watershed Assessment and Stream Restoration

              This 2-day short course with third day optional field trip will provide an overview of fluvial geomorphology with a thorough discussion of key concepts such as the principles of equilibrium, channel classification methods, channel evolution, and sediment transport capacity.  A number of case studies from the mid-Atlantic region and elsewhere in the country will demonstrate how an understanding of fluvial geomorphology can be used in watershed assessments to identify the underlying causal mechanisms for erosion and flooding problems that are responsible for significant infrastructure damage and environmental degradation. Additional case studies will be used to reveal common errors made in stream restoration projects when the basic principles of fluvial geomorphology are poorly understood. The course will conclude with a discussion of the appropriate settings and conditions within which to employ a variety of widely used stream restoration techniques. The field trip will be to stream restoration sites near the course location and will illustrate the fluvial geomorphology concepts and stream restoration techniques discussed in the course.

(207) 491-9541


            Please e-mail if you would like more information about course content and the field trip locality.

Click Here to view Tuition Fees & Registration Form

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